Best friends help you out whenever they can, make time for you even when they don’t have any, and trust your friendship enough to say ‘no’.
Best friends are cross-your-heart-and-hope-to-die, good-times-and-bad-times, borrow-anything, tell-you-everything, trust-you-with-their-deepest-darkest-secrets, always-and-forever friends.
And Lisa? You don’t have to ask that. She will always be one of my best friends. =)
Lisa always wear a sweet smile that never fails to brighten up my day… she manages to transform a not-so-nice mood into a good one, without even trying. This lady is pretty tough. She's definitely on her way up that corporate ladder! Imagine, a trainer at such a young age and in such a short period of time. (Now, you beat that!) =)
Whenever I see corporate clothes, I am reminded of Lisa. The killer office get-up/power dressing is indicative of this woman's incomparable passion to succeed. Probably one of the most resolute and determined people I know, she has her definite plans set, and she is positively on her way to realizing them.
Lisa is also a living proof of that Nike advertisement tag line -à JUST DO IT. I bet she knows what I mean. =) Hehe.
To say Lisa is a die-hard romantic would be an understatement. She just follows her heart. She won’t settle for the second best. She knows what she wants and gets them or better yet gets HIM. Hehe.
Another thing, mediocrity isn't in her dictionary, because whenever she's engaged in an endeavor, she always gives her all, and ensures that her output is the best she could come up with. She's so passionate and driven; you'll be inspired to work hard as well.
Lisa sees no point in looking back at what she didn't get done. She chooses, instead, to acknowledge where she is and where she wants to be; then determines what steps it will take to get her there --- I bet my bottom dollar she’ll get there… with flying colors… in time. =)
There’s no point in being redundant. ---> She’s just the best. =)
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