Thursday, June 7, 2007

It is not what it is

Most of us are preoccupied with things that in the final analysis will not count much. We waste our lives pursuing the wrong dreams fuelled by misguided visions. We are often obsessed with what we are not and what we don’t have.

Why don’t we focus instead on what we are and whatever we have, no matter how little? Why not spend our lives in fervent gratitude for these and celebrate life selflessly with others?

Life really depends on our priorities and points of view. Here are a few reminders to wake us up to what really matters:

It is not where you come from; it is where you’re going that matters.
Don’t worry where you are coming from. If you are already at the top, there is nowhere to go but down. But if you are coming from the bottom, there is a lot of space to grow. Where you come from is not so important; it is where you want to go and where you your dreams to take you that matters.

It is not what you have; it is how you use it.
You may have a brilliant mind but if you don’t harness it, it’s useless. You may have all the material possessions in the world but if you don’t enjoy and share them, you might as well have nothing. You may have all the talents in the world but if you don’t exploit them, they will be of no use to you and others. Thank the universe for the gifts you’ve been given, develop and utilize them to the max.

It is not what you say; it is what you do that counts.
What you say, even when expressed in the most profound words, means nothing if it is not followed by action. Everything you speak must be substantiated and supported by your deeds. Action speaks louder than words. Prove that believe in what you say by practicing what you preach. Walk the talk!

It is not what you do; it is how you do it that counts.
Even if you are just a lowly janitor, endeavor to be the best janitor that you can be. It is really how you go about what you do that makes all the difference. Perform your job with genuine joy and infectious enthusiasm, and soon, people will notice you and reward you. Furthermore, as they say, “It is not whether you win or lose but how you play the game.” Play the game with honesty, dignity and love.

It is not what you receive; it is what you give that counts.
In this life, we receive everything. But ironically, we cannot really keep anything. Everything belongs to God and we are merely His custodians for the moment. We must share whatever blessings we have with others. Anything hoarded is useless and will lose its value. We were born with nothing and cannot bring anything when we finally go.

It is not how much money you have; it is how you use and share it.
People often say, “When I get rich, I’ll be happy.” Truth is that there are many people who are filthy rich but are desperately miserable; there are people who live simpler lives but are actually so much happier. Money cannot buy true and lasting happiness. are the goods and services money can buy and experience insurmountable joy.

It is not the hardships you suffer; it is what you learn that matters.
Life is one big course and the universe one huge university. Every experience, good or bad, brings with it precious gems of knowledge and enlightenment. Concentrate on the life lessons that you learn from your travails, not the pain and the hardships they bring. The diploma you will earn from the school of life is wisdom.

It is not what’s on the outside but what’s inside that counts.
What good is a beautiful and attractively packaged box if there is nothing of value inside it? In this day and age, we put so much emphasis on packaging and presentation, not true worth. But just as we should not judge a book by its cover, we should never judge people from their looks alone. Get to know what’s inside that person---real treasures are found within.

It is not quantity but the quality that matters.
What good is accumulating many things when they have no real worth? So your life will not be stressed with clutter, be very discriminating about acquiring possessions. Be quality, not quantity conscious. The same hold true for time you share with your love ones and friends. Make sure to provide them quality time. These precious moments are what create a quality life.

It is not how you conform; it is the difference you make that counts.
Conforming to society is fine but only up to a certain degree. Don’t be controlled by other people and end up like puppet on a string moving to their dictates. Never lose your individuality and personal values. Remember that it is the positive difference you contribute to the world that will eventually matter.

It is not how old you are; it is how young you think, feel and dream.
Age only matters if you are wine cheese or an antique. Realize that you are never too old for anything in this world. Never too old to live, love, learn, lust and laugh. You are never too old to dream and achieve. As long as you are alive, hope springs eternal. Don’t ever get discouraged from climbing the impossible Mount Everest of your life.

It is not their life you are living; it’s your life and yours alone!
It is not what others say, it is what you feel and want that really matter. Live life with the awareness that your choices bring about consequences that you will either savor or suffer from. Live your life for yourself, for what you believe in, for what you value. But realize that your thoughts, feelings and actions have a crucial and irreversible impact on other people’s lives.

I believe we write our own stories and each time we think we know the end, we don't. Perhaps luck exists somewhere between the world of planning, of chance and in the peace that comes from knowing that you just can't know it all.

Life's funny that way... once you let go of the wheel, you might end up right where you belong.

Have a Blessed and Fruitful weekend everyone!

I love you all!

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